Ozone Pde

S & B

Situated on the Seacliff hillside, this project was focused on expanding the available sea views and ensuring the functional longevity of level one. A sophisticated coastal aesthetic was achieved by paring back the built form and using the client's existing artwork to dictate the colour palette.

Having lived in the property for a number of years, the client had long outgrown their space which no longer suited their lifestyle. Three key spatial considerations dictated our design direction, including; obscuring the view from the front door through the whole home, the kitchen orientation remaining up the Seacliff coastline, and a well-loved window remaining as a reading nook.

Pulling the kitchen off the external wall to create a hidden butler’s pantry provided an unexpected and much-loved space for the client; a small banquette seat for casual mornings, a gin after work, and reading nook overlooking the ocean. The next challenge to overcome was in providing privacy for the master bedroom. Prior to the renovation there was a direct sight-line into the bedroom from the front door. By creating a bedhead we were able to screen the bedroom and provide some much needed linen storage, with the added bonus of the bed now facing the ocean.

Upon including the furniture selected during our design, the project was fully realised at handover. The rich coastal materiality including the terrazzo, rattan, wool, light timber and linen created a harmonious and calming ambience. This sense of calm is felt by the client on a daily basis and has enhanced their lifestyle in surprising and welcome ways.

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