M & R
Hyde Park

Located on the eminent King William Road, the internal renovation and addition of this 1900s heritage villa seamlessly integrates old and new through meticulous spatial planning and materiality to reflect the client’s personal contemporary style.

Because the property was to function as both a display space & office for a custom home builder, and as a home for a family of three with all that entails, designing this internal renovation and addition required careful planning. The requirement to maintain the existing swimming pool only compounded the complexity. Clever design solutions were needed to keep the addition within the site parameters, including; a distinct butler’s pantry and kitchen pod, entertainment unit storage, and mudroom/laundry. 

We made use of a large stacking slider and window seat as a frame for the pool & space for guests, to create the desired blending of inside to outside spaces. This also provided the benefit of a well-positioned reading nook, finding comforting morning light throughout winter. Another solution was in maintaining a ceiling free of downlights and the use of clever wall uplighting and joinery-integrated strip lighting to create a moody and calming ambiance.

Our expertise in spatial planning was the primary factor driving the success of this project, ensuring smooth progression during construction. We were able to preemptively solve a myriad of potential delays, collaborating with our in-house construction team throughout the documentation phase. The project ran smoothly, avoiding unpredictable site conditions making full use of our preparation to adapt to issues before they arose. The client is very happy with the final result as our meticulous pre-planning allowed us to deliver a high-quality finish on budget and on time.

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